The Alliance for Childhood Cancer is an unincorporated entity with no official legal status. Membership is intended to be open and inclusive, but limited to not-for-profit organizations. Recognizing the multidisciplinary nature of pediatric cancer management, members include patient or parent advocate organizations, as well as a wide range of health care professional organizations involved in treating children with cancer and in the conduct of pediatric cancer research. National oncology organizations that have reflected an interest in pediatric cancer are considered for membership even if their focus is not limited to pediatric cancer.
- Each member organization has one voting seat on the Alliance. The voting member may vote on behalf of one organization only.
- Additional organizations beyond the original charter members may be considered for membership by a simple majority vote of the member organizations.
- Alliance Co-Chairs are chosen by the membership by majority vote. Terms of office shall be no longer than two years. One Co-Chair is from an Alliance member professional organization and the second from an Alliance member patient/parent advocacy organization.
- Meetings of the Alliance occur approximately bi-annually or more frequently if deemed necessary. The members through consultation shall determine dates of meetings.
- Public policy positions of the Alliance are developed through consideration of the views of all members according to agreed procedures. A two-thirds majority approval of all member organizations is required to issue position statements, letters, etc., on behalf of the Alliance. If fewer than a two-thirds majority endorse a position statement, letter or other document, the Alliance name is not used. In either situation, documents list each of the endorsing organizations.
- Dues, if any, to defray the cost of activities of the Alliance shall be determined by the membership.